by Ferropexola
Pokémon Johto Legends
A custom Pokémon ROM Hack based on the pokecrystal16 16-bit expansion of Pokémon Crystal created by aaaaaa123456789.
This is a prequel to Pokémon Crystal, where you play as either Draco or Dahlia, and travel the Johto Region, collect the eight badges, and discover a conspiracy to take over the region from the shadows.
Thanks to the expansion, we were able to go beyond the usual 256 limit, and now there are 323 Pokémon from Generations 1-4, 6, 8, and 9, as well as several Fakemon. There are also 405 moves, ranging from Generations 1-9, and a few original moves.
There are three versions: Original, Faithful and Challenge. Faithful version does not have the type-changes, nor the Physical/Special Split. Challenge Mode has level-caps, the inability to use items in trainer battles, no EVs, and higher IVs for opponents.
Moves have been altered to fit their more modern versions.
Physical/Special Split.
Added the Fairy-type, Running Shoes, B2W2 Repel system, infinite use TMs.
Pokémon Glazed inspired rematch system with certain trainers.
Increased and altered base stats for Pokémon that originally had sub-500 BST.
Altered typings and movepools to increase usability.
New items to evolve Pokémon that had unique evolutions in the original game.
70 TMs and 17 Move Tutor Moves.
New locations.
New music.
New trainer sprites and classes.
A list of major gameplay changes can be found in the file
↓Full MBC30 Support↓
RetroArch (SameBoy / mGBA / Mesen-S cores) (Android/iOS, PC, etc)
Sameboy (PC, MacOS)
mGBA (all platforms) (requires BIOS to run faster sometimes)
SkyEmu (Browser)
Bizhawk (Gambatte / SameBoy cores) (PC)
Analog Pocket (Console/Flash Cart)
ODroid-Go / Retro-Go (Console/Flash Cart)
PizzaBoy Pro GBC (ver5.4.5+) (Android) [requires disabling Super Gameboy Mode]
MBC3000 (by BenVenn) (Console/Flash Cart)
April 23, 2024