by PeanutellaXO
Pokémon Serene Crystal is a hack that strives to change up the original Crystal, with new gym leaders and Pokémon from newer generations, alongside new original regional forms! There have been several QOL improvements that, alongside the new dex, makes for a fun experience! While the story remains largely unchanged, there have been a few minor changes to make some characters feel more coherent. Apart from that, it's identical to Crystal's story.
All new and changed sprites by me.
*Aimed to be as balanced as possible, with a less intense falloff. Wild and trainer's Pokémon's levels have also been adequately scaled, so there shouldn't be a lack of EXP.
Some NPC sprites may glitch when playing their walking animation. They'll turn into a jumble of text for the duration of their walking animation.In Goldenrod, Mount Mortar (Floor 1 & 2) and Cerulean City, warp points may be incorrect. Whenentering or exiting a building, you may be sent to the wrong warp. This shouldn't cause any soft-locking,but may be confusing.
If any more glitches are found, please notify me!
April 19, 2024