Balance:Grass immunity to Powder Spore Moves.Held items upgraded to gen VII. Dragon Fang Fixed.Jump Kick Gen 5 Power.Dig Gen 4 Power.Blizzard Gen 6 Power and Effect.Rapid Spin Gen 8 Effect.HI Jump Kick Gen 5 Power.Leech Life Gen 7 Power.Giga Drain Gen 5 Power.Hidden Power it’s always fire. Gen 5 Power.Crabhammer Gen 6 Power and Accuracy.Future Sight Gen 6 Power and Accuracy.Disable Gen 5 Accuracy.Outrage Gen 4 Power.Waterfall Gen 4 Effect.Fury Cutter Gen 6 Power.Fire Spin Gen 5 Power and Accuracy.Glare Gen 6 Accuracy.Sandstorm Gen 4 Effect.Triple Kick has technician effect.Improved AI and Leaders.Battle weather icons.Polkadot Bow added.Mega Stone added (winning the bug contest).Missed Pokémon: Celebi: Gs Ball Event.Legendary Birds: Lugia Event (Hard).Mewtwo and Mew: Red Event (Hard). Route 29: Chikorita (Morning), Totodile (Day), Cyndaquil (Nite).Route 30: Bulbasaur (Morning), Squirtle (Day), Charmander (Nite).Route 37: Mankey (Morning), Vulpix (Day), Girafarig (Nite).Route 38: Mareep (Day).Route 40: Remoraid.Mount Moon: Aerodactyl (Morning), Omanyte (Day), Kabuto (Nite).Cubone evolves into Alola Marowak at nite and Kanto Marowak during the day (Happiness).Ice Cave: Sneasel (Nite), Sneasel-Hisui (Day).Bellossom, Ambipom and Yanmega evolve by Lvl.Slowking by Water Stone.